Mingle2 Blog

A blog about dating, meeting people, being social and everything in between.
(and occasionally some geek stuff)

How to Impress a Girl - From Ancient History to Now

Posted on 10/09/2008 in Random by Matt

Drawn by Matthew Inman











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  • Bimo wrote on 10/11/2008
    When you are in a mental HOSPITal ACT MAD, ;)
  • Bimo wrote on 10/11/2008
    If you are In SOMALIA or other POOR countries, LOOK FAT N RICH, dont be Just LOOK When you are with Zombies, either GET GOOD FOOD, or ACT GOOD FOOD :)
  • Psion wrote on 11/13/2008
    Shouldn't giving a redcoat a wedgie go in the 18th Century?
  • verazm wrote on 12/24/2008
    The Red Coat's official history began in February 1645, when the Parliament of England passed the New Model Army ordinance.
  • ksanjeev65 wrote on 02/04/2009
    halo you want know every one ?
  • Annou wrote on 05/19/2009
    Become fully crezy ,mad nd amger towards girls, becaure behave gentleman is old fation
  • DeePP wrote on 07/12/2009
    hi to everyone. be my friend
  • canonpowershotuser wrote on 07/15/2009
    LOL! I'm loving <a href="http://mingle2.com">Mingle2.com</a>! Please mingle with me. :)
  • SoundMethod wrote on 08/29/2009
    THat was awesome now write one on how to get rid of someone !! Hahahahaha
  • audiegayle wrote on 08/29/2009
    your cartoons are fantastic! made me smile on a sad day.
  • Ticket2Ride wrote on 09/18/2009
    I think the best way 2 impress is just be a :==SNAKE==0~InThe"!!!GRASS!!!" and tempt a "Lady Eve" in the "Garden Eden" with sin.
  • magiver456 wrote on 10/04/2009
    be a man be a gr8 lover and friend and be honest
  • LovesRain wrote on 10/10/2009
    I thought it was silly but cute. A little creative and an attempt at being very humorous. I enjoyed it.
  • bsj4984 wrote on 11/07/2009
    Not hit on anyone....
  • nik88 wrote on 11/20/2009
    dont really understand
  • DatingDownUnder wrote on 12/03/2009
    What wa that about 2200?
  • CelticsFan1 wrote on 05/06/2010
    this is gay FUCK YOU
  • cw74 wrote on 05/21/2010
    walk to woman's door when picking her up on a date and down on your knees and with a dozen of roses behide your back and knock on her door only then when she answers the door hand the roses to her and smile,taken walk her out the car or truck open the door for her.
  • Kathiremerald wrote on 06/10/2010
    I like that very cute
  • skybrainkhan wrote on 06/19/2010
    It's great, made me smile here....Ha HA HA Bebo so sorry for your account, but your words also awesome.Ha HA hA I really enjoyed, and and and... the best to impress and to find love is that: tell her truth, what are you and what you'll be for her...today or tomorrow you'll be happy forever...